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Join the trade in partner network.

Drive business to new heights and become a Bicycle Blue Book trade in partner.

Bicycle Blue Book Trade in Partners are trusted local bike shops who've partnered with us and share a similar vision—offering a simple solution for cycling enthusiasts to trade in one of your current bikes for credit towards a new one.
As an approved Bicycle Blue Book Trade in Partner, you'll have our valuation tools at your disposal. These tools will allow you to quickly, accurately, and consistently evaluate used bikes for trade in at your location. The best part is Bicycle Blue Book will help finance your shops new trade in program today!
No cost to participate
Bicycle Blue Book finances your program by reimbursing for trade ins and providing merch, training, and marketing.
Increase new bike sales
Customers that trade in a bike routinely spend between six and ten times the trade in value on new bike purchases.
Purchasing power
Immediate and accurate evaluations powered by our valuation guide turns used bikes into cash for your store.
Stand out from the rest
Differentiate yourself from local and online competition by providing a unique and valuable service to your customers.
Attract new customers
By promoting your trade in program you appeal to anyone with a used bike, enticing new customers into your store.

Introducing a new way to sell more bikes.

Some cyclists embrace trade-in and others prefer to sell their bike privately because they can potentially get more for their bike. While selling privately is a great option, the money from the sold bike doesn't stay in the cycling industry and the customer may not come back in your store. This is a missed opportunity for you to sell a new bike and Bicycle Blue Book has the fix.

We are soon launching a safe and secure peer-to-peer marketplace for the cycling community to buy and sell their gear. This new feature allows our partners the ability to offer another solution to your customers that aren't ready to trade in or think the trade-in value is too low. When they sell their bike on our marketplace, we direct them back into your store to pay you to package and ship their bike. Once the seller is paid for the bike, we send a follow-up email reminding them to purchase their new bike at your store.

Attract, engage, and retain new customers from the cycling community.

Incremental new bike sales, service, and accessory revenue opportunities.

Provide your customers the ability to trade in with you or sell their bike on their own.

How Does it Work?

After a sale is made, the seller is directed to your store to box and ship their old bike to the buyer.


The seller receives payment and is sent follow-up emails from us to shop in your store.


The seller comes into your store with money to purchase a new bike and cycling accessories.

Bicycle Blue Book is committed to supporting the cycling industry in selling more bikes and increasing revenue opportunities. The Direct Shipper network complements our Trade-in program and continues to attract new customers to our retail partners' stores. To provide more options for your customers, click the sign up button below to access the Partner Portal 4 of 4 and toggle on the "Direct Shipper" button.


What our Partners have to say


Todd Houston, TX

The trade in process was super easy and it went a lot smoother than I thought it would. I chose to trade in versus selling to save hassle. I got a fair price for my trade in and I couldn’t be happier.


Beverly Wisconsin

I got an email saying I could trade my bike in, so I brought two into the store. They were so helpful and in the meantime I found a new bike I really liked and it was as easy as that! I would do it again in a heart beat.


Jorge Orlando, FL

The process was super easy, a couple of photos and that was about it. My dealer did the rest. This is what made this so painless and trouble free for me. Definitely will use Bicycle Bluebook again.

Have Any Questions?

Check our frequently asked questions for common queries about our trade in program.
Frequently Asked Questions arrow-right

Become a Partner

Become an authorized Bicycle Blue Book Trade in Partner and grow your business further.
Learn More and Sign up arrow-right