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      • icon menu draftDraft
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      • icon menu offersMadeOffers Made
      • icon menu offerReceivedOffers Received
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    • icon menu blocked-userBlocked User
    • icon menu trade-creditTrade-in Credit
    • icon menu dashboardDashboard
      • icon menu CreateCreate
      • icon menu forSaleView All Listings
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      • icon menu profileProfile
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    • icon menu tp-dashboardDashboard
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    • icon menu sales-calculatorSales Calculator

Managing Your Verified Store

When you log in to your Bicycle Blue Book Verified Store, the first thing that you see is the dashboard. The dashboard shows information about daily tasks, your store’s recent activity, and the sales history for your store.

You can access the different sections of the dashboard using the sidebar navigation in your account. Sections of the Verified Store include:

You can use the search bar to find buyers, products, or other information within your listings.

When selling on your Verified Store you can use our profit calculator to set your desired margin and receive a suggested selling price.

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