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To keep Bicycle Blue Book a safe place to transact, sometimes we remove listings that violate our policies. If we remove your listing, we'll send you an email explaining why. Here are some of the reasons your listing may have been removed.

Violation of terms of use

If a seller violates the terms of use by attempting to sell an item outside of Bicycle Blue Book, giving false contact info, sending threatening messages they will be banned and their listings will be removed.

Stolen property

Stolen property or property taken without authorization cannot be listed for sale on Bicycle Blue Book.


To make sure you're giving potential buyers an accurate representation of your items, and that you're not infringing on anyone else's content rights, you should write your own descriptions and use your own images.

External links

Bicycle Blue Book does not allow listings that contain links that direct users to a site other than Bicycle Blue Book.

Duplicate listings

Only one fixed price listing of an identical item can be listed at the same time, from the same seller. This is to ensure buyers see a wide variety of options from multiple sellers.

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