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Canceling an Order

If you made your purchase in the last hour and it hasn't been shipped yet, you can send a cancellation request to the seller. If it’s been more than an hour since your purchase, you will be required to contact the seller directly and ask them to cancel it for you.

Cancel an order made within the last hour

  • Go to your purchase history and find the order you want to cancel.

  • Select Cancel Order next to the item you want to cancel.

  • Provide a reason for canceling.

We’ll send your request to the seller and ask them to confirm whether they agree to the cancellation. If the seller agrees, we’ll then send a confirmation of cancellation to both your registered email address and your Bicycle Blue Book notifications.

Cancel an order made over an hour ago

If it’s been more than an hour since your purchase, you need to contact the seller and ask them to cancel it for you. Here’s how:

  • Go to your purchase history and find the order you want to cancel.

  • Select Contact Seller.

  • Explain to the seller why you need to cancel.

Seller’s Response

The seller can either agree to cancel your order or decline your cancellation request. If the seller agrees to cancel the order, they have 7 days to refund you.

If the seller already shipped your item or if they do not accept your cancellation request, you’ll need to wait until you receive the item and then start a return request.

Steps for Sellers to Cancel a Transaction

  • Go to your sold listings.

  • Find the order you want to cancel and select Refund from the dropdown menu.

  • Complete the refund process (this is based on whether or not the item needs returned or not).

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