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What type of account do I need?

If you’re thinking about buying and selling on Bicycle Blue Book, you can choose between a personal or business account.

If you plan to buy and sell casually, a personal account is the best option. Once signed up as a personal account, sellers can choose between two types of listings, Local Classified and Direct Seller. Local Classified listings are in-person transactions and payments are handled outside of our system. Direct Seller listings can be listed locally or nationwide, screen the buyers and sellers, and use an escrow account for payment security.

If you plan to sell repeatedly and multiple items, then we recommend registering as a business account and selling as a Verified Store. This is a great way to start or grow your existing business and you will gain access to many additional features and reporting functions. To register as a business, select the Verified Store option from the registration page. We’ll ask for some additional details, like your business name, a clear photo of your reseller’s permit number, address, and other related information.

Once signed up for a Bicycle Blue Book account, check your inbox for a welcome email with tips on getting the most out of your buying and selling experience. You can find more information on mastering the basics by taking a look at the articles below. Welcome to Bicycle Blue Book!

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